Thank you for your interest in Blakes Crossing Christian College.
Blakes Crossing Christian College (BCCC) is part of a family of independent Christian schools operated by Christian Community Ministries Ltd (CCM) and commenced in 2014 with a small number of students from Reception to Year 5. The College has grown to the point where we are now a Reception to Year 12 College.
We currently enjoy specialist facilities that cater for Science, Art and Design, Home Economics, Technology and Performing Arts. Our students enjoy modern and up-to-date learning environments. Our future plans include a further Science laboratory, a Technical Studies centre and a multi-purpose hall.
The goal of BCCC is to give each of our students a positive, exciting and solid foundation through the provision of care and understand in an environment of quality education. We believe this combination will develop a sense of belonging, security and engagement in. a school which will provide students with an excellent launch pad into life.
Academic excellence, life skills and a Biblical worldview are promoted through our curriculum by a dedicated staff of Christian educators. We aim to provide a holistic education based on Biblical principles, foundations and truth. We believe there is no area of life where Christian principles are not applicable.
Blakes Crossing Christian College has two major enrolment intakes each year for children being enrolled in Reception.
Intake 1 is for children starting at the beginning of the year (Term 1), and intake 2 is for children starting mid-year (Term 3). Children who start reception through the mid-year (intake 2) will undertake 6 Terms (18 months of Reception.
Starting School Age
To apply to enrol your child/ren at BCCC, you will need to complete the steps as outlined on the College Enrolment Process page, found here.
To ensure a timely enrolment process, please complete our initial enrolment enquiry. For further information email registrar@bccc.sa.edu.au.
Attendance at School
Attending school every day improves a child's future life outcomes. It supports their learning and wellbeing. Parents must make sure their child goes to school every day. This is a parent's legal responsibility. Attendance at school is required from the age of 6 years.
Compulsory school age - 6 to 16 years
Children and teenagers must be in school from 6 years to 16 years old. They must attend a government or non-government school full time.
Compulsory education age - 16 to 17 years
Teenagers must go to school or an approved learning program until they turn 17 unless they:
achieve their SACE or other qualification
are in full -time employment
About BCCC
There is no fee to submit an Enrolment Application form. After your child has been offered a place at our College a non-refundable Confirmation Fee of $150 per student is payable with the return of the signed Enrolment Contract. This fee is fully credited towards the Tuition Fees when a child commences at BCCC. For more information on Fees, visit our Fees page.

Tammy Hall
To contact Tammy, email registrar@bccc.sa.edu.au or
phone (08) 7372 8100